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Japanese Americans - Evacuation and Relocation, 1942-1945: Articles from Databases

Login Instructions

If you are using any of the library's online databases from off-campus, you will need to log in.

Username: Your W Number*

Password: First 2 letters of first name, first 2 letters of last name, and last 4 digits of W# (i.e. jado6789)

* Don't know your W#, look it up in Class-Web.

Search Tip

Search tips:

1) If one search term doesn't bring you the desired results, try synonyms or related terms.

For example: Japanese Americans; Nisei; Issei

2) If you get too many results, narrow your focus by adding an additional term with the connector word "and"

For example: issei and culture

3) Use quotation marks around multi-word terms/phrases.

For example:  "Japanese Americans", "Involuntary relocation", "social customs"

Library Databases- Articles from Magazines, Newspapers, Journals

To find articles published in magazines and newspapers or other periodicals, you will need to use the library's online databases.  In the following databases, you are likely to find relevant information on the topic of ethnic and cultural groups, their history and culture, issues, and contributions:

*More databases are available on the LPC Library website.  Ask a librarian for research assistance.

Subject Guide