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ENG 1A (Swanson-Garoupa)

For a Strong Essay

  • Write for an audience who has read the book, so don’t spend too much time summarizing events. Provide enough summary to only orient the reader to the section you are referencing.
  • All of the source's citations within the summary, an excerpt, a paraphrase, or a quotation must be documented properly in MLA format, both on the Works Cited page and in-text references. Plagiarism of the whole or part of the paper will result in an automatic zero.
  • Take the time to proofread after you have written your essay. Consider the kind of mistakes you tend to make (like spelling words that sound the same), and watch out for those.
  • Avoid talking to the audience by using “you.” Use "I" if/when talking about personal experience.
  • The paper should be about 1500 words. Shorter papers will lose 10%, missing first draft will lose 20%; zero for plagiarism in any way.
  • Essay is worth 150 points.