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Library Classes

Library 1

Working with Sources (1 Unit)

Introduction to using sources as supporting documentation in a college-level research project. Teaches the skills needed to successfully find, evaluate, use, cite, and document information using library and open web sources. Focus on identifying appropriate sources and proper use of sources. Students will learn to distinguish between source types, how to avoid plagiarism, and how to use sources in their research projects.

LIBR 1 is also a part of the Puente Learning Community, with two sections that meet Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30 pm-1:20 pm during the Fall Semester. For more information or to register for the course, please contact Rafael Valle at  

See the course on CLASS-Web for up-to-date course offerings.

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Library 4

College Research Techniques (.5 Units)

Introduction to basic research techniques in a college library. Focus on use of the library catalog, search strategies, organization of materials in the library including reference, faculty reserves, circulating books, audiovisuals, use of reference materials, evaluation of relevant resources, recognition of plagiarism, and bibliographic citation of books, audiovisuals, and magazines and journals.

Offered most often during the spring Semester

See the course on CLASS-Web for up-to-date course offerings

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Library 6

Research in Special Subjects

Introduction to college library research techniques in a specific subject area. Focus on campus and remote use of subject databases, emphasis on discipline-specific physical and electronic resources, search strategies, evaluation of relevant resources, distinction between scholarly journals and popular magazines, discussion of plagiarism, and bibliographic citation of materials.

Offered most often during Spring semesters

See the course on CLASS-Web for up-to-date course offerings.

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Library 7

The Open Web and Search Engines

Introduction to research techniques in a college library using search engines to find materials on the open web. Focus on use of the open web for research purposes, including web search strategies, appropriate search engines and directories, evaluation techniques for web resources, recognition of plagiarism, and bibliographic citation of web resources.

Offered most often during Spring Semesters

Meets 3 Fridays from 10am-12:50pm

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Library 29

Independent Study (.5 - 2 Units)

Supervised study in the area of Library Studies. Any student interested in registering for LIBR 29 should contact Kali Rippel at no later than the last day of the tenth week of instruction.

Offered during Fall & Spring Semesters

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