LPC's OneSearch is our new tool that searches most of our collections at once. It provides a single interface to search for library materials including books, articles, videos, and more from our physical collections AND our electronic collections! Most notable is that your searches will include results from not just books and videos, but also now articles! You can also more easily log in to your library account to renew, request, and save items using the same login information as you use in Class Web.
When you search the library catalog from the library home page you will be searching our collection including most of the major library databases.
Within OneSearch, use My Account to see your library record and be able to renew items. To log in, use your W# and ClassWeb password.
Any links directly to our old catalog will no longer work (soon). Example: https://caccl-positas.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01CACCL_POSITAS:POSITAS&lang=en51717900
Links directly to database articles will remain the same: Example: http://lpclibrary.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=asn&AN=82542184&site=ehost-live
View the video on the right for a quick overview on using OneSearch!
The State of California approved the community colleges to move to a new Library Services Platform (LSP) by allocating $5 million dollars in hopes of leveraging system-wide pricing for more up-to-date services, reducing direct costs to colleges and the overall cost, creating a unified library experience across participating colleges and familiarizing students with the same library system platform as the CSU system. 110 community college libraries including Las Positas and Chabot worked during the last year in implementing ALMA and Primo as the new LSP and are now live with OneSearch, the user-facing search tool.