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American Indian Resources and Sherman Alexie's Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian: Home

A library research guide created for Michelle Gonzales' English 105 (Puente Program) class.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian: Schema Building Group Research Project


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian:

Schema Building Group Research Project


(Excerpted from Michelle Gonzeles' Fall 2012 English 105 (Puente) assignment).

**Please refer to M. Gonzales' most recent assignment for details and instructions.**


During unit three, as a way to prepare to read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, you will be divided into groups that will take an active part in researching and learning more about modern American Indian culture and/or other topics related to the book as a means of improving reading comprehension and getting the most out of what you read.


Your research will be shared with the class, making it possible for everyone to learn and/or understand more about modern American Indian culture and/or the references made by Sherman Alexie in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, thereby helping you better understand what you read. All information will be presented to the class orally and in the form of a handout.


Each group must prepare a 5 minute presentation that includes a visual aid (power point or poster board) and a handout that summarizes the information for the class. The handout must include citations (websites, names of books and authors from which you gathered the information for presentations)

Each group will be assigned one of the following topics:


Alexie Biography: Biographical information about author Sherman Alexie, including a fun fact, and at least two author quotes.

Coer d’Alene Tribe: map, location, numbers, cultural information, historical information

Bay Area Tribes: location of Bay Area tribes, cultural information, historical information

Indian Reservations: map of tribal lands in US, information about the different types of reservations, living conditions, history

Politics of Tribal Casinos: summarize both sides to the debate for and against tribal casinos, interesting facts about tribal casinos

Famous American Indians: past and present (at least two of each)

Census Data: find the most recent census data possible regarding American Indians and highlight aspects of the population that the class could relate to (American Indian in Bay Area, numbers of Coer d’Alene, American Indian students, etc)


Subject Guide

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Angela Amaya