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American Indian Resources and Sherman Alexie's Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian: Journals, Magazines and Newspaper Articles

A library research guide created for Michelle Gonzales' English 105 (Puente Program) class.

Off-Campus Access to Databases +

To use the library's online databases from off-campus, you will need to log in.

Use your MyPortal login credentials (W# and MyPortal password). 

For more information about MyPortal login details, visit MyPortal Information.

Library Research Databases

History Databases

Ethnic News and Culture


Sample Search Terms

Sample Search Terms:

  • "Sherman Alexie"
  • "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"

Ask a librarian if you need help developing your search terms.

Searching Tips:

*Use quotation marks around phrases

example: "Sherman Alexie"

*Use connecting (boolean) words such as "and", "or"

example: "Sherman Alexie" and "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"