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ENG 1AEX (Connors) - Research Paper: Marginalization in the 21st Century USA: MLA Citing

Off Campus Access to Library Resources

Accessing LPC Library resources from off-campus requires the following information:

 W# (be sure to include the letter W)


6 digit library PIN (same as Class-Web password; first 6 digits only).

MLA Resources

For this assignment, you will need to cite your sources in MLA (Modern Language Association) format. 

Use Noodletools to help compile your citations and be sure to refer to your copy of A Writer's Reference for instructions and examples. 

See below for the link to Noodletools and the Conversion Guide for  A Writer's Reference 6th and 7th Edition. 

Other Sources for: MLA Help


Noodletools (or NoodleTools) is an online system to help you create your MLA citations and works cited page.

Noodletools Logo

  • Be sure to link to Noodletools from the icon above (or from an LPC Library page).
  • If you are new to Noodletools, please create your user account. 
  • Write down your user name and password!
  • Off-campus users: you will need to login twice.  The first is your LPC Library login for getting to the Noodletools homepage.  The second is to login to your own Noodletools account.

Noodletools Group Bibliography Student Collaboration Instructions:

 ”Chapter 6 – Working with Projects” in Noodletools online user guide.  See “Student Collaboration” section (url below):


Noodletools Bibliography--Share Project with Teacher Instructions:

”Chapter 6 – Working with Projects” in Noodletools online user guide.  See “Sharing Projects--Student Instructions” section (url below):

Annotated Bibliographies

Guides to writing your annotated bibliography:

Writing an Annotated Bibliography - University of Toledo Library

How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography - Cornell University Library

Annotated Bibliographies - OWL, Purdue University Online Writing Lab