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ENG 4 - The Fault in Our Stars and 1984: Videos

Sources for writing a research paper exploring the philosophical perspectives in "The Fault in Our Stars" or the contemporary issues raised in Orwell's "1984."

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Sample of DVDs

A sample of documentaries and films available in the LPC Library:

  • Anne Frank Remembered - DVD DS135 .N5 A536 2004
  • 1984 - DVD PR6029 R8 N5 2003
  • George Orwell, a Concise Biography - DVD PR6029 .R8 Z794 2006

Check Out DVDs

DVDs may be requested by using your My Library Account. The circulation desk staff will pull the discs when you are ready to check them out.

If you need assistance, please ask a reference librarian. 

DVDs have a one-week loan period.