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ESL 24 (Ixiezopolski, Rudnicka Hey) - Women's Issues Research Project: Encyclopedias


Why start your research with an encyclopedia?

  • Encyclopedias are useful for getting ideas. Browse a detailed table of contents or topic outline.
  • Encyclopedias are useful for getting an overview or summary about a subject.
  • Encyclopedias are useful for identifying keywords you can use to search the online catalog, databases, and the Web. Keep track of the keywords you come across as you read.
  • Encyclopedia entries may lead you to other sources. Look for a bibliography ("Further Reading," "Resources") at the end of an article.

Accessing eReference Books Off Campus

Some reference books are available online.

To use any of the library's e-Reference Books while you are off-campus, you will need to log in.

Username: Your W Number*


  • First 2 letters of first name,
  • First 2 letters of last name,
  • Last 4 digits of W#
  • Example: jado6789

* If you don't know your W#, look it up in Class-Web.

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Recommended Encyclopedias from Reference Collection

Following is a list of recommended encyclopedias covering various aspects of women's history. Some books listed below are e-reference books, as indicated by "e-book" next to the call number. We have several databases containing e-reference encyclopedias.



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Charlotte Bagby
(925) 424-1150