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ESL 24 (Ixiezopolski, Rudnicka Hey) - Women's Issues Research Project: Database Articles

What Is a Database? What Sources Can You Find in a Database?

A database is a collection of magazine, journal, and newspaper articles on various subjects searchable in electronic format.


Magazines: TIME, Psychology Today

Journals: Journal of American History, JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)

Newspapers: San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post

Examples of databases:

Academic Search Complete: general multidisciplinary database that covers many subject areas

America History & Life: covers the history, culture, and current affairs of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present

Other LPC databases by subject


Sample search #1:

"child marriage" OR "child brides"

Sample search #2:

"water supply" collection girls

Sample search #3:

women AND sweatshops

Sample search #4:

"honor killings"

Search search #5:

"human trafficking" OR "sex trafficking" 

Research from Home!

Use your W ID and PIN to access the Library's databases from home.

Locating Scholarly/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

To limit your periodical database search to only include scholarly/academic/peer-reviewed journals, check/select the box labeled "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" within the search interface for the database. 

Or look for the icon in front of the article. Each databases has a specific icon that represents peer-reviewed journals.  This icon is found before each entry.

Also, be sure to check/select the box labeled "Full Text".
This will ensure that you receive full/complete articles in your search results.     

Learn More: What is a scholarly/peer-reviewed journal?



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Charlotte Bagby
(925) 424-1150