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ENG 1A (France) - Argumentative (Synthesis) Research Paper: Magazine & Journal Articles

Login Instructions

If you are using any of the library's online databases from off-campus, you will need to log in.

Username: Your W Number*

Password: First 2 letters of first name, first 2 letters of last name, and last 4 digits of W# (i.e. jado6789)

* Don't know your W#, look it up in Class-Web.

Journal Articles in Library Databases

To find articles published in journals or other scholarly sources, you will need to use the library's online databases. Be sure to check the "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" box to narrow your search to academic sources.

In the following databases, you are likely to find relevant information on the topic of your choice:

EBSCOhost (All Databases in Alphabetic Order) - Use this link to select multiple databases at the same time (the first 6 in the list below).

Academic Search Complete 

Communications and Mass Media


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Ethnic NewsWatch (On-Campus Use Only)

GenderWatch (On-Campus Use Only)

Opposing Viewpoints - Covers current controversial issues in pro/con viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to Web sites, and magazine and newspaper articles.

Ask a librarian if you need help developing your search terms.