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Afghanistan and Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner: Home

A research guide designed for Elena Cole's English 104 class reading of Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner.

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner: Research Project (English 104, E. Cole)


Course: English 104, E. Cole


For this assignment, you and your group will:

  1. Select a topic related to The Kite Runner.
    • Topics must be chosen from the list below unless you have written approval from Ms. Cole for an alternate topic.
  2. Research your topic to learn more about its relevance to the novel.
  3. Present your findings to the class in a 10-minute presentation on the assigned presentation day.

💡 Refer to Ms. Cole’s most recent assignment sheet for detailed instructions and expectations.

Research Topics

Choose one topic and explore the suggested focus areas (if provided).

  1. Afghanistan

    • Focus Areas: Languages, Major Cities, Physical Relationship to Pakistan and Iran, Food, Customs
  2. Kabul

    • Focus Areas: The Wazir Akbar Khan District, Shar-e-Nau Section
  3. Islam

    • Focus Areas: Mullah, Zakat, Hadj, Namaz, Koran, Qiyamat
  4. Hazara and Shi’a Muslims / Pashtuns and Sunni Muslims

    • Focus: Similarities and Differences
  5. King Nadir Shah & the 1973 Revolution in Afghanistan

  6. Shorawi-occupied Kabul & Russian Occupation

  7. Civil War (1989)

  8. Northern Alliance Taking Over Kabul (1992-1996)

  9. Taliban in Kabul (1996)

  10. Immigration to the United States

    • Focus Areas: Challenges of Immigrating, Afghan Immigration (when, where, why)
  11. Afghan Marriage Traditions

    • Focus Areas: Dress, Shirini-khori, Awroussi, Chilas, Nika, Ahesta Boro
  12. Khaled Hosseini

  13. Afghanistan Today

Tips for Success

  • Work collaboratively with your group to divide tasks and stay on schedule.
  • Use reliable sources for your research.
  • Practice your presentation to stay within the time limit.

Subject Guide

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Angela Amaya