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Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation Pathway

This guide aims to assist students taking classes in the Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation Pathway by providing them with valuable research tips, resources, and support for their classes at the library.

Start Finding Sources with OneSearch

OneSearch is a broad search across many different subjects, databases, and resources. If you are not finding what you are looking for here, use the box below to hone in on subject-specific resources.

Advanced Search


stick figure with question mark over headNot sure which type of source to start with or what to do to search?! Check out the tabs below to search for specific types of information. 



Find Subject-Specific Sources

Explore the databases below to find multimedia resources on electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive trades, automotive technology, and welding technology.

Where to Find Multimedia Resources in the LPC Library:

When & Why to Use Books:

  • They may be easier to read than articles
  • You need in-depth information on a topic
  • You need broad coverage of one or more topics
  • You need a summary of existing research on a topic

Remember: You may only need to read one chapter of a book!

Where to Find Books and eBooks:

Why You Should Use Articles from Trade Journals:

  • A trade journal, also called a trade magazine, is a publication whose target audience is people who work in a particular trade or industry.
  • Trade journals provide current industry news and articles about new products and trends, including regulatory developments that may affect an industry.
  • Trade journals publish specialized content on various topics including noteworthy case studies and research, educational surveys and statistics, special reports, opinion and feature articles, and in-depth discussions of new developments and practices within a field. 
  • Articles are typically shorter, only a few pages, and written by industry specialists or journalists.

Where to Find Articles: