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ESL 25 - Science Research Assignment: Encyclopedias


Why start your research with an encyclopedia?

  • Encyclopedias are useful for getting ideas. Browse a detailed table of contents or topic outline.
  • Encyclopedias are useful for getting an overview or summary about a subject.
  • Encyclopedias are useful for identifying keywords you can use to search the online catalog, databases, and the Web. Keep track of the keywords you come across as you read.
  • Encyclopedia entries may lead you to other sources. Look for a bibliography ("Further Reading," "Resources") at the end of an article.

Online Encyclopedias

Off Campus Access to Databases

To login to LPC Library databases from off-campus, enter your LPC W# and ClassWeb PIN. 


 W# (Be sure to include the letter W.)

6 Digit PIN (Your library password is the SAME as your ClassWeb PIN; if you change your ClassWeb PIN that will also change your library password.)

Recommended e-Reference Books

To access these books, click on blue title link. Then, in OneSearch, click on the link under View Online Full text availability.


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Charlotte Bagby
(925) 424-1150

Recommended Print Encyclopedias