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SOC 3 (Hirose) - Cultural and Racial Minorities: Getting Started

1. Explore a Topic

a. Search for current events or recent news related to sociology or society on the web, in a magazine, or on the news.


New York Times

The New Yorker

Time magazine

b. Browse library databases that cover current issues and can help you get familiar with an issue or refine your topic . They make a great starting point when you have a general idea of a research topic, but you still need to narrow it down.


c. Browse the table of contents, topic outlines, and indexes of subject encyclopedias for ideas. (See #2, below.)

2. Consult Encyclopedias and Reference Sources

  • Use reference books for background information, broad overviews and summaries.
  • The reference collection includes general and subject dictionaries and encyclopedias, biographies, directories, almanacs, atlases, etc.
  • Subject encyclopedia articles are signed by contributors who are experts on the topic.
  • Many also contain bibliographies or lists of recommended titles for further research.
  • Reference books cannot be checked out from the library but may be photocopied.
  • Use the LPC Library Catalog to find other encyclopedias by conducting a keyword or subject search.

Recommended Reference Books & eBooks


Login Instructions

If you are using any of the library's online databases from off-campus, you will need to log in.

Username: Your W Number*


  • first 2 letters of first name
  • first 2 letters of last name
  • last 4 digits of W#
  • Example: jado6789

* Don't know your W#, look it up in Class-Web.

Finding eReference Video