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Photography: Streaming video

A general guide for students interested in locating information about photography using library resources available at LPC

Films on Demand

Films on Demand Streaming Videos 

Films and documentaries on a variety of topics in the fields of humanities, sociology, administration of justice, psychology, health, etc.

To find videos on photography and photographers:
Under the Subject area, select Art & Architecture.
At the next screen, under the Art and Architecture pull-down menu, select Photography.Here you will be able to browse 3 areas: Art of Photography, Elements and Language of Photography and History of Photography. After selecting one of these areas, select "Apply".
To search for a particular topic or photographer, use the Search box at the top of the screen to enter your search terms.
Some examples are:
Photography, Artistic
Color Photography
Fashion Photography
Landscape Photography
Portrait photography
Street Photography
Lighting in Photography
Wildlife photography
Photography -- Digital techniques
Photography -- History
Composition (Photography)

To find videos on the general topic of Photography, enter Photography in the search box.

You may also search for a photographer. Some examples are:

Dorothea Lange
Anne Geddes

Henri Cartier-Bresson

To search for a particular topic or photographer, use the Search box at the top of the screen to enter your search terms.

Some examples are:   Photography
