An online collection of 20,000+ titles purchased to support LPC curriculum
Documentaries from:
The main benefits of having a streaming video database:
Create a user account if you want to save any videos for easier retrieval later, sharing with students, or creating playlists.
Click Sign In or Create Account from the top right of any Films on Demand page.
However, you do not need to create an account or profile to simply search/browse or view videos.
BROWSE: There are two ways to browse by subject.
* Notice the subject categories on the left column on the results page.
You can further narrow your results by selecting one of the terms.
SEARCH: You can search by title, segment, or transcipt contents.
To watch a video, click on a title or thumbmail image.
Once you are on the video page, click the video screen or the play icon below the screen.
To move through the video:
Close captioning is available for most videos.
To create a clip, click the Custom Segment (scissor) icon below the video pane. This will expand the screen and show all the clip-making features.
Login or create account, if you have already done so.Type in the start and end times.
Enter a title in the "Clip title" text box. [Requried]
You can annotate your clip in the Description field, if you wish.
To save select Create Segment button.
You can play your clip, add it to a new or existing playlist, and embed/link the clip to a document or webpage.
Remember to sign in to save your playlists from session to session!
You can add full length videos, standard segments, or custom segments to a playlist.
Click on the + Playlist icon below the video screen.
Choose whether to add the specific video or segment to a new or existing playlist.
When you are in the playlist, you can rearrange the order of the segments and add notes.
* DO NOT copy the URL located in the browser's location bar.
1. To put the entire video in any document, website, or Canvas course, copy and paste the Title URL located in the box under the video screen.
2. To put just a segment or chapter in any document, website, or Blackboard course, be sure to click on the segment title first. Then copy and paste the Segement URL located in the box under the video screen.
3. To put a subject or collection link in any document, website, or Blackboard course, click on the collection you want then click on Page Link on the upper left.
4. To put a playlist in any document, website, Canvas course, copy and paste URL located at the bottom of the playlist.
In Canvas, select add Link then paste in URL.