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Graphic Narratives and Novels: Journals, Magazines and Newspaper Articles

A library research guide designed to support ENG 4 (Admassu) and the research and study of the graphic narrative genre, including graphic novels.

Off-Campus Access to Databases +

To use the library's online databases from off-campus, you will need to log in.

Use your MyPortal login credentials (W# and MyPortal password). 

For more information about MyPortal login details, visit MyPortal Information.

Library Research Databases

To find articles published in journals, magazines, newspapers or other periodicals, you will need to use the library's online databases. 

In the following databases, you are likely to find relevant information on topics related to graphic narratives and novels:

*Additional databases can be found on the LPC Library website:

Databases Listed- A to Z

Sample Search Terms

Searching Tips:

*Use quotation marks around phrases:

example: "graphic novel"

*Use connecting (boolean) words such as "and", "or" to connect multiple terms or phrases:

example #1: "graphic novel" and elements 

example #2: 'graphic novel" and (elements or art)