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HLTH 1 - Health Behavior Change Project: Articles

Off-Campus Access to Databases +

To use the library's online databases from off-campus, you will need to log in.

Use your MyPortal login credentials (W# and MyPortal password). 

For more information about MyPortal login details, visit MyPortal Information.

Locating Scholarly/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  • To limit your database search to only include scholarly/academic/peer-reviewed journals, check the box "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" located in the left sidebar. 
  • To limit your results to full-text articles, check the box "Full Text". 

Learn More: What is a scholarly/peer reviewed journal?

Article Databases (Magazines & Journals)

Database Searching Tips

1. Identify the keywords/search terms. Examples:

weight loss and exercise

smoking and quitting

2. Add keywords to narrow your search to include behavior change strategies. Examples:

  • behavior change
  • behavior therapy
  • behavior modification
  • adherence
  • maintenance
  • self-management
  • research
  • prevention
  • treatment
  • relaxation techniques (yoga, mindfulness training, meditation)

3. Use quotation marks around phrases. Example:

"weight loss"

4. Use the connector word and to combine 2 keywords. This will narrow your search. Example:

"weight loss" and exercise

5. Use the connector word or to combine 2 similar keywords. This will broaden your search. Example:

diet or nutrition

Learn More: Searching with Boolean Operators

6. Use synonyms if you are not finding articles on your topic. Examples:

  • Use cessation instead of quit (i.e., smoking and cessation)
  • Use adherence instead of maintenance (i.e., exercise and adherence)

Searching Medical Databases