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WMST 2 (Bengiveno) - Global Perspectives of Women: Annotated Bibliography

Guides to Writing Annotations

How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography, Instruction, Research, and Information Services, Cornell University Library.

"An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited."

Writing an Annotated Bibliography , University Libraries, University of Toledo.

Includes: What is an annotation, elements of an annotation, structure of an annotation, format, step-by-step approach to annotating, and some diagrammed examples of annotations.

Annotated Bibliography Tips

 Annotated Bibliography


An annotated bibliography is a list of sources such as books, articles and web sites used for researching a topic. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 -200 words) descriptive and critical summarizing paragraph, called an annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

A bibliography is also known by other terms such as Works Cited, References, and Cited Sources.


Abstracts are short summaries usually found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles. Abstracts summarize the article, the study or proceedings content as described by the author (s). Annotations are descriptive and critical. Annotations identify the author's credentials while summarizing key points, reliability, bias or objectivity and usefulness.


 ·        Begin with bibliographic citation format (APA or MLA)

·         Identify qualifications of the author(s) when possible

·         Provide brief overview or summary of the focus, the purpose or main idea


Other possible inclusions:


·         Identify the intended audience: scholar, student, layperson, etc.

·         Identify method if research article, such as survey, questionnaire, etc.

·         Identify bias or point of view

·         Conclusions or observations of author (s)

·         Usefulness or relevance (or not) to topic or field of study

·         Note special features (e.g. charts, glossary, illustrations, maps, survey instruments, etc.).


Use NoodlebBib, a citation generator that also manages annotations. Found on the Library HomePage.


Sample Annotations

Annotated Bibliography*

*The second and all subsequent lines of each bibliographic entry should be indented five spaces from the left margin.  Each annotation should also reference the qualification of the source/author. 

Arce, Rose. "Hip-hop Portrayal of Women Protested." CNN., 04 Mar. 2005. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. < hop-black-women-spelman-college?_s=PM:SHOWBIZ>. 

CNN which has world wide coverage did a study of how college woman are protesting main stream music at parties due to their poor representation of woman. Instead of encouraging and playing along with the misogynist lyrics brought upon society through the music industry, young collegiate women are refusing to party and dance to music that doesn't portray them well. These young woman are challenging the university and young college students to recognize the cultural shift and how they are participating in the discrimination of women. These women are forcing their peers to think about how they are belittling themselves and only hurting the image that they work so hard to maintain.


Ball, Hope. "Problems with the Media and Stereotyping Gender Roles.", 4 June 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. < roles>. 

This article goes back in time to show how women and men are still being judged on their self worth for superficial reasons. The article notices that when you are in a grocery store, there are plenty magazines applauding women's hot bodies or slandering a woman for the ten pounds she has gained and the cellulite on her thighs but men are only shown as having the perfect body with the perfect girl next to them. Still today men are judged for what they have and what their income is whereas women are still looked up as to what they look like and what men they associate with. Women still have a superficial stereotype tied to them because that is how the media has portrayed women for decades. Society has actually gotten worse with making women sexier and portraying men as being their entire life. As long as the media portrays this image, then women will never be able to move forward and be seen as superior to men.


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. "Mediaknowall." Mediaknowall RSS., 8 Sept. 2011. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. < women/>. 

Although the young woman showcased in the hit television series "Toddlers and Tiaras" are a part of the rap and hip-hop culture yet, they are already trying to be the ideal woman seen on TV. Their mothers force them to get spray tanned, out in fake teeth, and wear over exaggerated hair pieces in order to be the prettiest and most likable toddler in the pageant. Children at a younger age than in any time in history, are already being told that they are not good enough and need to look better or try harder if they want attention and to be the best. Society is conforming the cute and innocent look that children have and are trying to make them look older and more mature earlier in life.


Carilli, Theresa, and Jane Campbell. “Women and the Media: Diverse Perspectives.” Lanham, MD: University of America, 2005. Print. 

This book is broken up into nineteen sections with each section covering a different reason as to why women and the media has changed so much since it first began. The part that I found most interesting about this book was that the authors directly associated how women are represented through the media by there race. The authors discuss how women's sexuality is depicted differently by location and how events in America cause women to be shown only for their bodies. For example, there was a chapter that talked about the Superbowl and how women are negatively portrayed in million dollar commercials in order to sell a product. It focuses on the dehumanization of women in order to make money and not taking into account what image they are portraying to society.


Christensen, Jeff. "Lohan's Road from Child Star to Troubled Adult.", 7 July 2007. Web. 23 Nov. 2012. < star-troubled-adult/>. 

This article recognizes how the young, naive, cute Hollywood stars have grow up and conformed to the pop culture of what women should be like. This particular article focuses on the young child star Lindsay Lohan and how she went from being a red head with freckles to a blonde that checks in and out of rehab every other week. Lohan was a role model to many young girls and was most famous for her gorgeous red hard and curvy body but just like many other stars in Hollywood, she conformed to what she thought society told her was sexy. Lohan went on a downward spiral starting with an easting disorder, drinking and driving, and tampering with drugs. The childhood star who millions admired, attempted to turn herself into what she saw in music videos and what was supposedly "sexy."


Cooper, Allison. "Media Power?" New York: Franklin Watts, 1997. Print. 

This book challenges social issues in everyday society along with the problems our culture is having with the music industry and poor media representation in the media. The largest issue this book covers is the problem with media and its power that it holds over society. Whatever the media shows as cool and popular is the next big trend to hit the streets around the country. Regardless of how ridiculous trends are and even if you are not that into a certain style, if celebrities and peers around you are conforming to society then you are likely to follow. If the media had more control over what they show society then there wouldn't be such a drastic cultural change occurring in society. With the media having so much power and influence over what we see and watch, women and men follow what they see celebrities do and represent.


Costagliola, Brunella. "Women Representation in Hip Hop: Who's to Blame?", 1 June 2010. Web. 17 Nov. 2012. < representation-in-hip-hop-whos-to-blame-a243241>. 

This article is about how women are poorly represented in the hip-hop and rap industry but it also argues the fact that men are not completely to blame for the misogynist lyrics. Yes men are not innocent when it comes to giving women fair representation of who they really are but women artist have also taken to the idea of creating their lyrics around the sexy, inhuman woman. They would rather produce what they think men and women will buy and be attracted to rather than represent themselves in a positive image. The author talks about how the music industry has no boundaries when it comes to selling themselves or their songs. As long as they are making money and top of the charts on iTunes, they will stop at no expense. The author pulls out many different factors that people don't think about as to why lyrics have become so sexual and degrading. I think that it was very interesting to see different reason besides the male hip-hop artist which most people automatically blame for the inappropriateness of the music industry.


Dines, Gail, and Jean McMahon Humez. Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Critical Reader. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2011. Print. 

This book goes into a deep analysis of how media (including television, radio, music videos) is being confused and mixed in with reality. People that watch or listen to pop culture are so accustomed to watching girls be at guys every need, that they that is their role in society. Women forego their brains and judgement in order to get attention of men and show them that they can be everything and more than the women represented in popular culture. It also talks about how media and pop culture have given power back to men and women are second tier in society once again. Pop culture has caused women to go backwards in terms of empowerment.


Harris, Anita. All about the Girl: Culture, Power, and Identity. New York: Routledge, 2004. Print. 

This book revolves around how women's representation has drastically changed since the start of the twenty-first century. Women are voluntarily giving into todays pop culture ideas of what a woman in every day society should look like and how women in the music industry should make their music in order to sell the most copies. Women in the pop culture are making their own mark in society by representing themselves negatively and wanting to be chased by the bad boys that bring trouble along with them. Pop culture is studied as to how and why it effects the innocent girlhood around the world.


Hunter, Marcus. "Why Sex Matters in Music." The Tape., 9 July 2012. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <>. 

This article was different that most that I found about women representation in pop culture. Instead of arguing about how women shouldn't be showed in such a negative light, it argues as to why sex is needed in music videos and to make music so popular. It attempts to justify what men and women artists are thinking when they are writing or creating their music and why they need to make women so sexy and unrealistic in order to make a larger pay check. The author talks about Rhianna who is known for her sex crazed music and outfits which has made her incredibly popular. Would people be talking about her if she wasn't dressed so scandalous? Although she receives both positive and negative attention, her songs are still being played on every major radio station across the country. Pop culture has made the music industry about being noticed rather than sending a positive message through your lyrics.


Lewis, Lisa A. "JUMP CUT A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY MEDIA." MTV and Its Female Address by Lisa Lewis., Apr. 2000. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <>. 

This article discusses the start of MTV and how it has changed since it began airing in 1981. A show that used to just play non-stop music videos all day now advertises and promotes television series like "Teen Mom" and other series that have made the network stray far from their original broadcast. Regardless of the new series that MTV represents, the music videos they show have also change since 1981. Society has become a more seductive and sexualized culture that revolves around girls and sex, so in result of that MTV shows the videos that they think people want to see. The author challenges what MTV used to represent to what they have conformed to today along with singers and dancers. The article attacks how music and pop culture have forced society to be ok with what it represents for both women and men and have made it the every day norm.


Schlosser, Kurt. "Watch Britney Spears Age before Your Eyes." TODAY Entertainment., 6 Mar. 2012. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. < spears-age-before-your-eyes?lite>. 

This article points out another shocking young singer and dancer that grew up to be a troubled adult due to the pressure of trying to be the ultimate women to both men and women. Britney Spears was the perfect girl to many young ladies across the country. She sang, danced, and was well behaved for the majority of her young adult life. However, with age came trouble. Spears, like so many other young performers, grew up thinking how can I do more? What will make my music videos the best? Spears decided to take her innocent music videos and lyrics and make them more main stream by disrespecting women and trying to be the ultimate sec icon. The author talks about how Spears is trying to be something she is not by going through periods of rehab, shaving her head, and being married and divorced all to quickly but then these tantrums are followed by periods of tranquility. However, he music has changed from being a young girls favorite song to being a man's source of pleasure.